At the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, I got to spend 4 weeks as an intern in Panèra, a local company that is specialized in wall papers production, founded and runned by Davide Giovanardi. 

My main job was to fill a list with showrooms and interior design companies from all over Italy that Panèra could collaborate with. When needed I helped Matteo, one of the employees, print, cut and pack the wall papers, and I also cut little squares of wall paper materials and glue them on small folders to show clients. 

I was lucky enough to meet one of the graphic designers, Dalila, who I got the chance to talk and learn about her creative processes.  

I didn’t get to learn new things as I hoped, but overall, I enjoyed the experience, mostly because I met new people and the bond that I created with the 3 classmates that were with me.

Visit Panèra’s web site -click here-